Volume 11, Issue 10, page 2

ness. Not mentioned, but probably merely overlooked, were
such things as telepathy,
hunches, and woman's intuition.
Maybe even weather forecasting. The STAR says it didn't
name the suburb to avoid giving
the Mayor and City Council any
publicity, but we think it's a
disservice to the rest of the
area not to label a city dump
when you have one...

I Back in the 16th Century, j Said the Pope to the Jew: 1 Florance Verrico of Holwhen Johann Sadler was creat- "Bless you!" And this probably lywood, Calif., writes us that
ing designs, we'll wager he is a religious "First" to top at their annual Yuletide party,
never guessed that he was draw- all religious "firsts" -- but held this year at the home of
ing covers for The ABERREE -- it' s true, every word of it. Millesan Drews, subscriptions
but he was (unless something And it happened thusly: When to The ABERREE were given aS
happens to change our minds, the Vatican council voted to door prizes. Which, we think,
which isn't impossible or im- absolve the Jewish race of sole is an idea of such sheer genprobable.) The other day, while guilt in the crucifixion of rus that we are sorry at least
poring thru a book of designs, Jesus, Jacob Apsel of Milwau- 100,000 other units didn't use
we came upon some Flemish art kee sent a letter to Pope Paul it sooner. However, inasmuch
that struck our fancy -- and VI expressing his gratitude. as Florance admits the project
with some patching, matching, Apsel, a Jew, once studied for wasn't copyrighted, patented,
embellishing, and developing, the rabbinate, and later stud- or otherwise monopolized, it's
we came up with the basis for a fed Catholic theology as well wide open to copying by all who
new ABERREE cover, which we as other beliefs (including seek something unique and, we
hope to start using next month. the DISbelief of Atheism), sent add humbly, worthwhile for the
We know there are those who've The ABERREE a clipping from a next event in which a door
enjoyed our covers, and there Milwaukee paper, in which it prize or so figure prominently.
are those who have protested was reported that the papal sec- Florance says that more than
that they are a poor introduc- retariat of state acknowledged 80 persons showed up despite
tion to what's inside, but we the letter, with thanks, and it being a rainy night -- due to
have had to do what we did (since its required no extra the attractive door prizes, no
with what we had -- including postage) included the papal doubt, we suspect. This was
our capabilities. (To have a blessings. Apsel in the past one of the last official acts
reincarnated Vermeer in the has made it a point to talk to of this lecture forum under
editor's chair as well as con- popes after they "pass over" its old name of the Friends of
tributing from a distance was but this is as close as he's the Dunbar Training Center;
too much to expect.) So, if ever gotten to communicating henceforth, it will be known
next month's ABERREE appears with one in the flesh -- and as The New Age Questors, inforeign to you, don't be hasty oddly, he's a little proud of asmuch as the interval of time
about discarding it with the it... since Wayne Dunbar's passing
spring seed catalogs and vita- ,Not many years ago, one means that the old name was
min "poop ; just be happy we of our slightly sarcastic now- losing its import to the many
didn't invade some kindergar- elists wrote a book entitled: newcomers to the group. Florten and draft a child into draw- "It Can' t Happen Here". And of ance adds that she and Jessica
ing us a cover -- a method we course it can't. Intolerance Madigan have organized a new
suspect Uncle Sam used in se- and religious persecution be- forum to meet Sunday afterand one of hisatrocious long to the" dark ages", not to noons at the Knickerbocker Ho5d commemoratives"... an age able to deduct millions tel, 1714 Ivar St., Hollywood, w
and that they find a great de j We think Leo Louis Mar- from its tithe to Uncle Taxes a
tello, whose book, -r s in because of gifts toward the mand for Sunday afternoon leet~ie Cards", we reviewed only a construction of huge monuments tares. Any door prizes, Flormonth o r so ago, should have to religious freedom. Why, we ance?
done some consulting with the are so religious one can buy 1 It was one of those rare
laid-out pasteboards, and not almost anything now from or times when a scheduled radio x
been so certain that the low thru a minion of God -- insur- Program sounded as it it might
rent and inexpensive living in ance, education, hospitaliza- be worth overlooking the topMorocco was his to command and tion, wine, banking -- even bin- heavy commercials and sonsy,
enjoy at will. However, we can go. So, it must have been a but artificial, word-jockeying
commiserate with him in his Russian community the COSMIC of the announcers, so we left
unexpected and hasty return to STAR was telling about when it the radio on, making our ears
the land of the over-taxed, maliciously (?) libeled (?) a martyrs to our fears we'd get W
over-charged, over-crowded New "City in the suburbs of Los busy and let the time pass
York and America because of Angeles" (it didn' t name the without tuning in the program.
his father's sudden severe suburb) adopted an ordinance Maybe it's not the most pleasillness -- and anyhow, the polit- in November, 1964, to prohibit ant way to discover how low
ical situation in Tangier is the business or art of astrol- the world is declining mrsih- pq
getting a bit shaky, he admits. ogy, phrenology, life reading, ally, but it's a shocking ed- cc
However, he ran into customs fortune telling, hypnotism, ucation. On this particular
trouble getting his dog exam- clairvoyance, cl airaudience, afternoon, we several times w
fined and cleared for shipment crystal gazing, mediumship, almost decided mo program -- not
on his plane -- especially inas- mesmerism, palmistry, spirit even a President's
~~ all that speech --
much ch '
as he expected to start photography, spirit writing, could
with one dog but wasn't spirit voices, materializa- tare -- but it wasn't until an
sure but that he might land in tions, etherializations, nu- im-oiled female began screamNew York with a mother and a merology, augury, divination, ing and squealing at the top
litter of pups. .. or other similar art or busi- (PLEASE Twa^ TO PAGE 14) 2