Volume 5, Issue 2, page 13
Phwi.g Up th. Field
1 This is the type of item
we never like to write -- when
words prove themselves an incompetent vehicle for conveying our emotions -- but we do
wish to extend our heartfelt
sympathies tog pg baar in
the death of hiswif a and
helpmeet, Laeta, in Los Angeles
on March 19. Wayne once was
director at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita,
Kas., and he and Laeta have
been auditing and training in
Dianetics for the last several
years. Wayne writes that he
intends to continue the Gui&
since Center.. 1 nannis Smith
and Joyce Sidgwick, formerly
of Birmingham. England, stopped
in Enid on their way to California from a short stop in
Ohio. While here. they gave us
a clearer picture of the mental research field in England.
and "brought to life" some of
the persons who previously had
been only names on our mailing
list. Dennis told of trying to
see Bag Howes, the first purported Dianetic "clear", while
in Cincinnati, and finding him
unavailable for interviews.
But he did get to Columbus,
where he was quite favorably
impressed with a half -hour
discussion w i t h Alt Coulter
(on Synergetics, of course).
we suppose that Dennis, if he
remembered to park on hills
and slopes after leaving Enid
so he could get his car started mornings, arrived at his
west coast destination safely,
but we're still waiting for a
new address to which to mail
his ABERREE...
1 At the time this is written, we have onlyP lipi'riedman s version of r ur Hurts s
1T Thg trip to Ar zona. Buwe
suppose Burks, in due time.
after he has gotten some solid
food under his belt and recovered from a diet of raw zeros ,
will confirm the statement that
he found the hot desert sun so
stimulating to his healing red
hands that Paradise , Penn.,
may lose one of its most promMAY, 1958
inept voters in the not too
distant future. According to
Philip, Burks during his short
stay was kept busy miracling
all over the place, relieving
aches and pains and even curing a balky dishwasher, which
hadn't operated so well since
it left the factory. Rushing
hither and yon -- Prom 6 a.m. to
after midnight ...that Arizona
village hadn't seen so much
activity since half the moon
hit the state back in prehistoric times, scattering gila
monster spawn and saguaro cactus seeds from one border to
another. (Bet you didn't know
these came from the moon, did
you? Hall Anyway, we know Arthur Burks enjoyed his visit --
Philip being the type of friend
who wants you to have everything he has. For example: He
wrote, just a few days before
Burks descended on him, that
he had a book on Al eister crowley, sent him by LE, arbn, which had brough m
(Philip) nothing but bad luck
since he received it. After 3
painful accidents to his left
hand within a few hours, Philip wrote: "He is an ill wind
(Crowley). I am blowing him
your way. you know how to handle him." Which we did. We just
" unmocked " the book in transit... 1 And while on the subject of books, we might mention that contributions to the
Lending Library the last month
include books from Mnold
ID East Peoria. Ili , and of
course. another bundle from
Icy murphy of ElMOnte, Calif...
1 Millen Begin p . who's
been getting writer's cramp
the last year signing deeds
an d transfers of title, has
traded her "farm" near Vista,
Calif., for a "ranch" a yard
or two farther north. The new
home hasn't much of a house on
it, yet, but if she can find
an architect who can get her
idea of a combination Japanese-Martian motif, without
mortgaging her 10 future incarnations, she may startle
that mortgaged countryside
which hasn't seen much variety
in architecture since teepees
went out of style. As she waded mud up to here and wiped
a torrent of rain from about
her face. Millen disgustedly
warns al 1 those who think
Southern California always is
sunny that it just ain't so --
but of course, the H-bomb testers, here and abroad, have
pretty well messed up t h e
weather everywhere. Even in
Florida. we hear , they've been
picking iced oranges off trees
this winter... 1 And in Pennsylvania, the Ernest Popes
tell of a 40-inch