Volume 5, Issue 2, page 6
A Pittsburgh radio station picked up
their story and told it, several times.
Frank Edwards put the story on his coastto-coast show, taking it to millions.
Interested public persons besieged the
mayor of Pittsburgh with requests for an
investigation. He called a meeting between the researchers, their physiciansupervisor, and such medical groups as
the Allegheny County Medical Society, the
city health department, the American Cancer Society, the University of Pittsburgh,
and reporters. The groups agreed to test
the Drosnes-Lazenby claims, one step at
a time, and make reports. They were to
start with their blood-test, which called
for drawing blood of suspected cancer
patients in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. But Drosnes-Lazenby suspect that sulphuric acid was used instead
of hydrochloric acid -- a deliberate altering which never was revealed to the public. And the harassed pair was threatened with arrest unless they signed a
prepared statement that they knew nothing
of cancer or blood tests. They refused.
As a result, their work was branded as
"valueless, a hoax, a fraud".
Publicity brought the Drosnes-Lazenby
clinic, with its limited medical help,
more patients than they could possibly
handle. There were many more willing to
trust their lives to a "fraud" that had
helped others than to "legitimate treatments" that had condemned them to death.
They were arrested on October 7, 1948
-- note that date! -- while patients became
hysterical and one woman who never had
been treated or even seen by any of the
clinic staff, died on the steps of t h e
While the clinic was closed, 16 patients who had been showing progress gave
up in despair and died. Drosnes and Lazenby went on trial in criminal court on
March 17, 1949, were found guilty by a
jury, sentence delayed pending application for a new trial, which started April
25, 1950. When all the "evidence" was in,
the judge directed the jury to return a
verdict of not guilty.
In the clear after their second trial
and acquittal, Drosnes and Lazenby, and
their medical supervisor, got down to
business, aiming at recognition of their
work in the field of cancer. Mucorhicin
had proved, in passing, to be good for
other ailments, too, like ulcers of various kinds, rheumatic fever, arthritis,
benign growths in some instances.
Dr. Joseph W. Wilson, who served the
clinic for a time as associate medical
supervisor, succeeded to the job of medical supervisor after the death of Dr.
Murray of cerebral hemorrhage.
Drs. Murray and Wilson did everything
possible to gain recognition- ne+ionally
for Mucorhicin. Drosnes-Lazenh~ had been
told to treat terminal cancer cases, under medical supervision, and if they
"cured" a number of patients so that they
remained cancer-free for five years, recognition could not possibly be withheld.
But they still lack recognition, even tho
they have cured scores of so-called terminal cases -- patients sent home to die by
the "cancer experts" -- and can produce the
living patients as proof. They can't produce the original diagnoses in every case,
which were made by pathologists in hospitals from the usual biopsies, for after
they got into trouble, some of the records were actually changed so that it
would look as if the patients hadn't had
cancer in the first place.
Doctors over the nation