W E'VE BEEN talking about philosonow let's consider
that you, as Totality, might be
the ultimate philosopher. A philosopher is one who philosophizes about
things, or examines things and tries to
come to logical, reasonable conclusions
about them—and some philosophers have
done a remarkably good job.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was
one of the bitter ones. He was very, very
cynical. He lived during the end of the
Napoleonic era in Europe where everything
was devastated and Napoleon was sitting
in exile. You might say that civilization
was on a downward spiral.
Schopenhauer was born of fairly wealthy parents but, strangely enough. he
learned a business. From this, he had an
independent income after his parents died,
which was quite unusual for a philosopher
in those days.
In addition to being cynical, he also
was egotistical. In his first book, he
said: "The world is my idea." This is
true, but people have a tendency to resent anyone saying so, altho each of us
can say the same thing. The world IS your
idea; it's also "your oyster", and anything else you choose to make of it.
0•ne of the profound statements Schopenhauer made was "That art thou (meaning
everything)". He added, "Whoever is able
to say this to himself with regard to
every being with whom he comes in contact,
whoever is clear-eyed and clear-souled
enough to see that we are all members of
one totality, all of us little currents
in an ocean of will, he (this individual)
is certain of all virtue and blessedness
and is on the direct road to salvation."
Apparently, Schopenhauer really could
look at it. His thesis was that everything boiled down to will. In his early
life, he wrote a great deal about compulsive will, and he defined totality in
terms of will -- that everything was unchangeable and tremendous compulsive will
was driving all mankind. Toward the end
of his life, he wrote direct opposite
contradictions, such as the simple statement given above.
Schopenhauer spent a great deal of
discussion on how will was space and time,
that will had divided itself up -- he had
space and time neatly compartmented as it
really is•-that these areas of knowingness that we know are locations where we
have been, on which we have certainty and
conscious awareness; and the unknowingness, the hidden parts, are locations in
space we do not want to remember or which
MAY, 1958
What have the philosophers of the past
contributed to the advanced thinking of today? In this series of articles, taken from
the taped lectures of Hardin and Joanna
Walsh in Dos Angeles, they point out how the
"Concept of Totality", as they teach it_today, is not entirely new -- except in application. -- The EDITOR.
we have become unconscious of, and are
actually loaded with unconsciousness. By
unconsciousness of this type, I mean
actual impacts and shock patterns of real
magnitude, which carry facsimiles in and
around the body.
Let us set up a problem: Say it is in
business, and money is involved. You suddenly find you don't like your business
partner -- something about him bothers you
-- and then you discover you're losing
money. When you get to the point where
you can look at past lives, or past experiences, or past locations in space,
you might discover that this individual
was a friend of yours in a past life, but
you were fighting on the battlements of
your castle. You were defending the gold
in the vaults, and you lost. You got shot
from a crossbow and fell in the moat -- the
friend on top of you -- and it's very uncomfortable being in business with this
individual who constantly reminds you of
this past failure -- this past unconsciousness, this past loss in relation to money. In other words, past lives have a
tremendous recorded impact upon us in
present time on the subconscious will
level. We have assigned control to these
areas of energy, and as Divine Will (Totality), you can become aware that you
have done this and focus your attention
on these energies and release them.
In one of the early books. Dianetics
of 1950, there is a theory that we have
attention units of life force focused in
these areas, and this is true. These incidents of the past have tremendous forces stored in what might be attention
units of energy, and when you put your
attention on them and dissolve them, this
releases this energy for use in present
time. This is why running incidents made
you feel good.
But what we are after now is rehabilitating your ability of knowingness on a
higher level of totality, where you can
just create all the energy you need. The
problem is to release these past energy
deposits, and very rapidly replace them
with new, fresh energy that you have created right now. Your body will hang on to
any energy—particularly past energy, or
energy out of motors, light bulbs, tele