Volume 5, Issue 1, page 9

Thela Newcomer, Box 475. Williamsport, Pa.

I enclose a donation of $ 3 for time
spent on analysis of five questions I wish
answered. (Use separate sheet for these).

MY birth date: Day month
year hour A. M. or P.M
Place of birth
City State
worse ones. When you get on the losing
side, you begin to accept negative games.
The feeling among spirits who have forgotten they can create, that any game is
better than no game at all, leads to such
games as being ill, or being paralyzed,
or even being dead.

So the creation of games, the creation
of what happens to you, as you can see,
is a very important aspect of your existence. Let's play it -- knowing the rules.
(Next month -- Arthur Schopenhauer)
listeners toward achieving the goals they
had set for themselves. People went in
large groups to hear the music, supported
the musician with gifts, substances, or
things usable to him -- whatever they had
to give -- or they left promises to deliver
later as crops were harvested.

The only animal that had been brought
to Egypt from Atlantis was a pet, but
there-now was a need for developing other
animals to meet the changed conditions.
This was quite a large section in itself.

The people lived mostly on vegetables
and fruit. Their fruits were large and
watery. Many used the juice as their only
drinking liquid. There were many types of
fruits, but most of them grew on trees
with enormous trunks, yet the tree grew
near the ground, spreading out rather
than growing high. The climate was moist
and warm.

At that time, there were many large
rivers in Egypt, and many mountain ranges.
These mountains had masses of minerals in
them, yet when these minerals were moved,
they had to be handled carefully to keep
them from exploding. They were much more
alive than any minerals we have today.
Stones brought out of the earth were in a
sort of cheese state -- maybe more like
soap in texture. When first exposed to
the air they could be cut as easily as
cheese, but after they had been in contact with the air for awhile, they began
to harden. If found now, they would seem
like the hardest possible rock.

These stones were cut with drills,
powered with their peculiar-type power.
The stones were cut to the size wanted,
and since they were not dense nor heavy,
they were easy to move. Many ancient cities, built of stones, are now buried beneath the Egyptian sands. Some structures
are still standing, made of rock which
seems to have been very heavy, yet when
that rock was taken from the earth, it
was neither hard nor heavy -- just bulky.

Temple building came much later. These
people spent little time inside buildings,
since their clothes were fine but impervious to the moisture. Rain was not the
hard, drenching downpours we have now,
but occurred in mist-like form. Buildings
were used primarily as repositories for
knowledge rather than in which to work.

By Rev.

ED. NOTE -- The story of Jesus -- is it fable,
symbol, or history? Must it eventually join
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny as we ;row to
maturity? We don't know -- and we doubt if one
more expose of some of the religious crises
coamitted by orthodox churches will change any