Georg Hegel
What have the philosophers of the past contributed to the advanced thinking of today? In this series of articles, taken from the taped lectures of Hardin and Joanna Walsh in Los Angeles, they point out how the "Concept of Totality", as they teach it. today, is not entirely new--except in application.--The EDITOR.
THIS MONTH we want to talk a little T about the game of Life. It is important to know there is a game go. ing on and it is important to know You are playing in it. It is also important to know the rules of the game.
Georg Wilhelm Frederick Hegel, famous German philosopher, had the whole game figured out with elaborate blueprints. Strangely enough, he was officially, recognized by his government--which made him the one philosopher of that era--1770- 1831--with government support. Philosophy, You might say, reached its peak.
Hegel had the usual conflicts with the church. He said the task of religion is to reach and feel the Absolute, in which all opposites are resolved into unity. In this, he was a good Totologist, altho he used the word Absolute where we say Totality. The main difference between our Totality concept and that which has been taught down thru the ages is that we say you are Totality. Other teachers and philosophers have neglected this one point. They've always maintained that God was something somewhere else and something other than yourself. Hegel came a little closer. He said, "God is a system of relationships, in which all things move and have their being and significance, or meaning."
He also said, "The Truth is like an electron, an organic unity of opposing force." But he neglected to say that you were God. I say it because it is possible to become aware of this Totality--that the part of you that is aware and knows with certainty is Supreme Intelligence.
We have two areas of existence--we have a certain area of knowingness with certainty, and we have tremendous areas of unknowingness. This knowingness and unknowingness are all contained within your total awareness. In other words, if you were Totality (and you are), if there is such a thing as God, or Totality, you would be totally able, totally aware, and you would have total ability. But if you did this, you wouldn't have any game. At least, you wouldn't have the type of game that isplayed on this planet at this time by the spirits that move within total awareness and operate bodies.
What kind of a game are we really playing—the spirits who live in these bodies? We are playing a game of limited awareness; we are playing a game of surprises. This is not knowing; this is increasing the awareness of unknowingness so we can have surprises. We also have an agreement among us that we can focus our attention on only one thing at a time. Some top-flight business executives reach a point where they can do two or three things at one time, which makes them far above the average individual.
You might say that the game on the other side of the curtain is that you know everything, and you get pleasure, enjoyment, and experience from doing many things at one time. But on this side of the curtain, spirits and beings are playing a game of unknowingness, with very little knowingness.
If all things move within you as Totality, you own them and you are responsible for them; in a way, You are doing it to yourself. In other words, you as a spirit, you as Totality, you as a body are experiencing things on different levels. One part of Totality experiences things at one level, another part of Totality experiences a different segment of it, and a part of Totality is known as a "wall". These are all experiences but on different levels.
Hegel says that truth is like an electron, that it has organic parts, but this is not true, either. The ultimate truth is that this entire thing is operating within you. As beings, we have chosen sides -- as children do when they play baseball. Spirits have chosen to come into this level of experience and get involved in this very strange phenomenon known as living on this planet. It is an exciting game, and it can be a very good one if you know what you're doing-- what the rules are, and how to play the game.
What are the rules here? We have two sides, positive and negative. We have the good side and the bad side; we have hate on one side and love on the other-- but love itself is a vibration, composed of positive and negative flows. It is a kind of alternating current. You can generate this and flow it at people.
The vibration of love can be a positive thing or it can be a negative thing. You can love with no restraint, freely, with no compulsions. Or you can get on the