Volume 3, Issue 6, page 17
its, we see a number of relation- is noted with se
ships innthis olaarrea, but understand dition, the real
little of
e tionship gyss,wand m~anageettinteg re- isigree~thw
to ate a n Gher of relationships column to tinu, because th
both areas. As soon as we do.this, that the top of
we advance higher in the pyramid, approached, a1
and additional areas are available ard usable mid(
to us from this new viewpoint be- lower, supportth
cause we are now closer to more of "In the list
the basic lines originating at the did not mention
mmit. In short our studies should electronics. ItE
be aimed at to us upward into for a substanti
simplicity instead of downward into family's bread,
complexity. From the top, we are am at present
able to see all relationships. very fine elect
"Hubbard's analogy is a verbal correspondence communication of the idea which I eludes munch prat
have been saying here in different math, plus a tot
terms. lr above described expert- about the strut
ewe, then, took me to or near the of some very bas
top of the pyramid for a while. It Universe. The cot
was a we derflil thing, akin to what borios, but very
sane describe as a religious con- I find that, in
version. I shall repeat the experi- the knowledge gal
te, I am certain, and when I do, I simultaneously will retain such more of understand- complexit , ard
ing because of the relationships I ity! Perhaps have learned since that time. I also incomplete: ins
feel that others will do the same work toward the
thing, each in their own way, and the whole pyrami
that perhaps everyone eventually complexities at
will arrive at this goal -- when he is derstanding biro].
experience. Hy
-alit any rate, I now have some more such experi
basis for belif that there is a ourselves to per(
simple, practical way by which one the interrelatia
can otain direct understanding of derstanding of t
any relationships, ed that the occasional zoom
whole idea of a oneness and a basic increased instep
simplicity of the universe is a "My present
valid one. Little flashes of core- discussions of
henion, of new viewpoints on old are not as
relationships, of new and simpler ccamunicate the
relationships between many things, HOW does one go
occur spontaneously and with in- process of int
' rea`ing frequency. communicated in
"Specifically, my studies during felt, and simply
the past few years have covered con- is unimportant;
ventional psychology, theo ry of in- bigger hurry tha surance, statistics and probability, metho& that interpersonal relationships, autamo- FOR THEM. What tive mechanics, raising of chickens, mnicated dun
experiments with CO-2 and methe- years has been drine, music, and Jim Welgos's 'Les- viction that
sans in Living'. Jim's work I con- can be attained,
sider the most fladamertal and the increasingly bO
most important; had I been exposed and human!- -dun
to its stabilizing and broadening
influences prior to my processing working toward t
Denver, I am sure that I would hove not so sure that
gained infinitely more from the ex- used 'incorrectly
perience. And all the other items gets what he
.just mentioned, each in its own way, ready for -- al
have contributed further to the con- same time to
victim that the 'oneness' is ulti- Maier, Albany, Ga
mate simplicity and is attainable.
One reason for this conviction is "We came acr
the increased frequency with which I ERREE in the pos
find interrelationships 'clicking' trusting friend,
into place. A tho ught-chain or line Hardin was u>ps
of attack on a problem -mich has Scientology degre
insights in one area, sad- fresh batch of
ud y is applied, almost unccns- wife out of
ciously, to another, seemingly unre- the July-AAupmy~t
lated area. The conclusion derived needed publicati
Electropsychometric Asse
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