Volume 3, Issue 2, page 4
ual:uiue a, eerie' power, "uncle en- says -- if ne
can only get started. But there's the rub.
There are no preachers "passing the plate" to
support any religious plan except their own.
In fact, to judge from one of the late "Bulletins" issued by "The City of Dawn Plan", some
of them are extremely hostile to the idea, not
being willing for any of their followers to
look at any other of the 1,6p0 heavens and
1,600 hells which are their stock in trade.
It's downright discouraging, and quite maddening, "Uncle Edward" declares. All he wants to
give the world is peace, a guarantee against
war, schools where children can learn to contact their Creator and forget the many Gods,
sub-Gods, and street corner gangs -- and he runs
into 1,600 interpretations of the Bible.
Milligan admits heYs selling a plan -- and
not selling any religion. He doesn't care if
you're black or white, nun or none, Catholic
or hyphenated-protestant. A "taboo" posted
prominently on the walls of his office warns
that there will be no discussion of creeds or
beliefs -- and if the visitor has any idea of
converting "Uncle Ed" to his way of thinking,
he might as well take his own particular heavens and hells and nurse them where he will be
more appreciated. Milligan is planning a city
ae %/juli i!_'
Like an Expectant Mother, Granite Hills Lie Wait
Coast Group to Issue
ter. One reason
BY WAYNE DUNBAR quirements have
et.? 'i California Association of Dia- that it is conte
'w netic auditors (CADA) is pre- ornia state law
peed to grant certificates of pro- least that amount
ficiency to individuals desiring to training is to c
become Dianetic and Scientology Etude
auditing others,
itors. These certificates will be
with at least one
issued upon successful completion of number of hours
an examination and approval by the three divisions.
board of directors of the CAA.
In addition to
categories will be recog- ites, each appli
nized: Basic Dianetics and Advanced at least one acca
Procedures; Six Basic Steps and history of a pre
Their Variations; and Scientology. ted.
Faeh applicant for the certificate An examining b
will be expected to show proficiency CADA will coux
in one of the three categories and the 15th of J
familiarity with the other two. and October, or
In addition, the applicant shall after the 15th,
demonstrate acquaintance with three on a week-end. A
areas of knowledge relating to those be made to the bo
of Dianetics and Scientology. These least a month be
may be from the more orthodox examination. An
schools of psychology and psychotherapy. Knowledge of these fields inacovers the ex
may be established by passing an ex- ric mutttests.
on and any
animation upon the content of a k s. Nikki log
suitable text in each field. A list son Av. Glendale
of acceptable books is available, the CADA, and fe
and others may be approved by the plication blanks,
board of examiners upon request. books, informati
The training requisite has been credits for pre
set up as 400 hours for those whopatsdapariente, a n
apply for examination Prior to Feb. . It is feu
possessing degre
10, 1957; 800 hours prior to Feb. taro a certific
10, 1958; and 1,200 hours thereaf- record of their
4 T h spa Al
m o iu a i f o d t a p
"" the "
- -- aholy city -- forUnited and Combined
Religions of the Earth". No part is to be set
aside or dedicated to any particular sect or
The Wichitas as a site for this earthly
"heaven" was well chosen. Tradition says that
this area was sacred to the Plains Indians;
that warring tribes sheathed their arrows when
they came to camp and bathe in the healing
"medicine waters" of Medicine Creek. And, not
too far away, is another "holy city", in which
the annual Easter pageant draws from 125,000
to 225,000 visitors annually, who spend the
night upon the crass-covered hillside waiting
for the sunrise passion play".
"Uncle Ed", as he clumps over the sheer
iranite hillsides and points to "usable" and
unusable" rock near the unrevealed site for
his "City of Dawn", is very insistent that
soon the right persons will be contacted,
needed money will be found, and construction
actually can begin. In the meantiae, of course,
is the need of money for food, rent for the
"office", postage, and an over-due license for
his car.
We promised "Uncle Fd' that this story
would be continued when the first shovelful of
dirt on his "City of Darn' is turned.