Volume 11, Issue 5, page 18

and the leprous, and his walking on the sea. It refers to MarY,
the mother of Jesus too. Josephus, the Jewish
historian, of the First century A.D., admits the historical fact
of Jesus and his disciples and calls John the Baptist
'the Good Man', and gives an account of the death of James-'the
brother of Jesus, who was called Christ'.

.. If the 'Wandering Jew' wants more information he can get these
books, 'The Crucifixion and Resurrection of
Jesus' by an eye-witness for $3 and another book by the same name
but with this addition, 'Additional explanatory
m a t t e r concerning the Essenes and the Crucifixion Story' for
$2. These are published by Health Research, Mok
el umne Hill, Calif." -- Cec i I D. Clayton, Eenderson, Ky.

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"When you take your vacation, why not plan on a few extra days
and visit us at the same time. You'll be in
Georgia so just go a fewmiles further into Florida and catch a
boat across the Gulf of Mexico to Vera Cruz and it' s
only a hop, skip, and jump from there to Mexico City. ** *

"We just finished our vacation from school. As you know school
here starts in Feb ., then in May there is a 10-
day vacation, then in Sept. another 10-day vacation and school
ends about the middle of November. We thought we
were going to have all of July off, but one day the teachers just
up and told the children vacation starts tomorrow for
10 days. We were disappointed we didn't have nore time but we
enjoyed what time we did have.

' 'On Thursday, a neighbor and her four children and we

(all nine of us) crowded into a taxi and went to the Cathedral.
When we arrived there were thousands of people
jamming the area. The children were all dressed in the native
costumes of different Darts of rural Mexico. They were
ascute as they could be.* **

'. Everywhere in front of the Cathedral were the people with
their trinkets and pottery and souvenirs, and bread
and hot tortillas and jewelry and glass figurines and woven
baskets and mats and straw hats and horses for sale. The
Indian women squatting by their charcoal burners, one fanning,
another patting the little tortillas from hand to hand

The press of people was terrif - ic, you were practically carried
along by the crowd. We stopped to watch the Indians
dancing. Right in front of the great Cathedral doors were the
dancers performing the tradi

tional dances of long ago, Derhaps of the Aztecs whose temple was
demolished on the very spot. Anyway, it looked
more heathen than Christian. The old Chief had a ring thru his
nose, brass bracelets on his biceps, a long bow and
quiver of arrows on his back, a huge headdress of feathers and
beads. His hair was long and his feet bare and gnarled.
Around his wrists and ankles were circlets of nut shells tied in
tiers so they rattled and clacked at every step he took.
He led the dance and blew on a reed whistle or flutelike
instrument with a rather monotonous sweet tone. Others
were dressed similarly but not so elaborately and some beat a
small drum while he danced.***

"We took ataxi to the Shrine of Guadelupe. It is quite a distance
but a taxi is as cheap as bus fare for so many

"After the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish in the 16th Century,
there was a peasant named Juan Diego. One
morning (Dec. 12, 1531) he was off in the hills north of the
city. On a very rocky hill he saw a vision of a lovely
lady (Saint of Guadeluoe). She appeared to him and said build a
shrine to me on this spot. He said how can a Door
peasant 1 i k e me build a shrine' She said,' Go to the bishop
and I will give you a sign.' He went before the bishop
and at her bidding he told them and opened his cape. On the
inside of the cape was her picture painted miraculously
justas the vision in flesh and blood appeared

They believed and they built

shrine. It is a lovely o 1 d church of stone. On the altar is the
original cape of Juan Diego. Now, it is said that the
paint has been analyzed and they have no comparable formula for
such paint or record of such formula or other
pictures ever painted with the same paint. Also there were no
artists in this time with talent to paint such a picture.
* * *

"Many people have climbed that rocky hillside and prayed to the
Saint of Guadelupe and been miraculously healed
of their infirmities just as at the famous Lourdes. There is a
beautiful stone stairway leading up the high hill, it
winds and curves and branches. It is wide and has graceful stone
sides with seats at intervals.

"To accommodate th e great numbers of people who flock there - -
and they s a y masses every day, all day --they
have built two other churches on lower levels below the hill. But
they are all clustered together in a harmonious

and faced with a huge oaved square replete withloud speakers for
the worshipers who won't fit into the churches. On
the opposite side of the square from the churches are archways
and colonnades. On special holidays the people come
from the various localities and each different tribe or group
sets up shop in an archway. They are dressed in their
local sostumes and sell the product they make in their particular
place and by their particular skills. It is all very
colorful, I am told.

"In the church there are thousands of plaques plastered to the
wal Is saying 'Thank you I to the Sta. de Guadeluve
for curing them. I understand many thousands really have been

"On top of the hill and to the left of the church, that is also
on top of the hill, is a graveyard. Here is very
expensive burial and of a permanent nature. There is not a single
grave with just a cross or something simple. All
are great marble slabs with little temples or head stones of
giant proportions. Niches, altars, flower receptacles, and
statuary are everywhere. You walk thru aisles of carved marble.
The graves are terraced on the hillside and you
progress down a seriesof short flights of steps. We visited on a
beautiful, sunny day. The graveyard, the churches,
the great stairway, and the plants all are so beautiful. The aura
of this place was peaceful and lovely. It is the only
nice feeline place we have visited in Mexico yet."--Monica Ryder,
Colonia Juarez, Mexico, D.F.

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"IN A RECENT issue of The AB-
ERREE I read of the re-
sults gotten from using wheat
grass juice and lat once asked
for and received information
from Ann Wigmore, 25 Exeter
St., Boston.***I tried it on a
62-year-old woman who had a
serious case of anemia. ***Her
face was the hue of a dead
person, a color of yellow wax
showing thru the skin. I grew
some wheat grass where - -___
staying in Miami Beach, Fla.,
and gave this woman 3 ounces,
once a day for 20 days. The
first five days showed her
normal facial complexion re-
turned. From a severe condi-
tion of apathy, she gradually
started to improve physically
and therefore also mentally.
She ate the same vegetarian
foods, as natural as she could
get, and did nothing different
while I was giving the juice

"Others at the hotel, who have known her for months,