Volume 9, Issue 5, page 12
(Send your questions direct to
LOUIS, 1411 East Missouri, Phoenix,
Ariz., enclosing a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. For those who
wish personal replies, a minimum
contribution of $2 per question
should be included.)
DEAR LOUIS -- I would like
your opinion on obligations --
how much should be expected of
us. According to the Bible,
Christ said, "Sell all you
have and give to the poor." --
E. X., El Rito, N. M.
DEAR FRIEND -- As we travel
the path called Life, man at
times will encrust himself with
debts or obligations, and those
must be paid in either this
lifetime or in a future one. I
do not believe in selling all
one has and giving it to the
poor. I believe in tithe -- plus ,
I believe in helping people to
help themselves. When I first
started in this work, I wanted
to help everyone -- and it was
not long before I received the
message from the Father -- and
in brief -- "Who do you think
you are?" We help our fellowmen by raising ourselves to
the point where we can offer
him a hand -- but, if we stay on
his level and help him, we
both sink into the mire.