Volume 9, Issue 5, page 13
Jesse E. Rawer, Ms. D., 139
pp. $3.00. Pub. by Carlton
Press, Maw York, 1962.
"What's Next -- What's Needed" is a story of the planets
and their effect upon peoples
of the earth -- going back to
the first time a cave youth
discovered the moon -- with its
changes and relationship to
other heavenly bodies. Without
dwelling too long on this birth
of the forerunnerof astrology ,
Author Jesse Ramer goes into
the various planetary aspects,
and their influence upon man's
Thruout the book are Bible
quotations, carrying out Mr.
Ramer's conviction that "the
Bible stands before the world
as the accredited book of history and truth". There may be
students who will dispute his
claim that "its 66 books have
withstood the ravages of time
and the destructive tendencies
of man, and is... the most cherished writing that has ever
been given to any people".
Some of his prognostications leave the reader a bit
confused, however. One is not
certain whether we are entering a new age in which all is
to be sweetness and light (when
the "Foxes -of Misanthrope" --
the financial manipulators --
get their comeuppance), or if
1966 will bring major bombings
when "the planets Pluto and
Uranus will reach the 20th degree of Virgo and be opposing
the fixed star Markab for several months". lb offset this
threat, Raner says the Pyramid
of Gizeh, the stars, and, of
course, the Bible, all predict
the fall of Communism in this
As for America's space race ,
he says America will be first
to reach the moon, and is now
capable of putting so many
thousand "flying saucers" in
the air -- if it wanted them or
needed them -- that they would
create an air traffic hazard.
Further know-how laid away on
the shelf, he says, is production of a motor so small it
could be carried under the arm,
yet powerful enough to do away
with "the filthy diesel engines
and automobiles of the present".
As a possible solution to
the world's problems, Mr. Ramer
winds up his book with the recommendation that elderly persons now drawing social security be encouraged to form an
"Elderly Peace Corps", using
their small savings to buy
jungle and mountain land in
Central America and parts of
South America. Here they could
take their acquired knowledge
and skills without extra cost
to the U.S., and develop these
wild resources, plus hunt for
hidden treasures, lost mines,
and loot missed by the Spanish
Conquistadors. I t seems to
this reviewer that there might
be some objections to turning
Latin America into a form of
"Old People's Home" -- not only
from the Latins -- for one doesn't take kindly to clearing
jungle when the hair is gray
and there's a "crick in the
back". But, we suppose, if the
planets want it that way, that
is the way it'll be. After all ,
who are we to argue with the
Joking aside, "What's Next
-- What's Needed" should give
those who buy the old idea of
a big world in a little blue
sky something to think about,
as they get a new concept of
the size of our universe -- and
how our universe compares to
the rest of the "big show". --
Trah Nika.
Puharich. 312 pp., $4.50.
Doubleday & Co., Inc., Garden
City, N.Y.
This new book by Dr. Andrij a
Puharich, author of "The Sacred Mushroom ", continues his
scientific investigation into
the mysteries of the human
mind, but in "Beyond Telepathy" he concentrates his attention on incidents which apparently occur without t h e
supporting influence of any
drug such as mescaline or the
As a textbook, "Beyond Telepathy" would seem to be almost indispensable to the serious researcher into telepathy ,
clairvoyance, the action of
the mind at a distance, and
the ability of the personality
to free itself of the body and
travel at will in time and
space. It is actually two books
in one. For the person who is
fascinated by the mysterious,
there are exciting stories of
the unexpected and unexplained
messages and visions which
occur in the lives of the average person -- perhaps only once
in a lifetime. In addition,
Dr. Puharich has recounted
many of his experiments with
such sensitives as Peter Hurkos, Harry Stone, Eileen Garrett, and others, all conducted under strict laboratory
conditions. As a result of his
experiments, Dr. Puharich has
reached some novel conclusions
as to the causes behind both
the sending and the receiving
of telepathic messages.
Since Dr. Puharich is a
neurologist, he is well-qualified to analyze these tests
from the viewpoint of a scientist, and he has discovered
that the sending of telepathic
messages is aided by the effects of adrenalin secreted by
the body, causing dominance of
the sympathetic nervous system, while the condition that
seems to assist in the reception
of messages is dominance of
the parasympathetic nervous
system, called "cholinergia".
Therefore, it appears t h a t
even without the use of the
mushroom or any other outside
aid, the body chemistry itself
furnishes the needed stimulus,
or relaxing agent, as the case
may be.
A few chapter titles, which
give a hint of the scope of
this work, are: Telepathic Networks with Individuals Serving
as Unconscious Relays, General
Extrasensory Perception Networks Containing an Object as
a Relay, and The Memory Capacity of Objects and the Impregnation of Objects by Mind Action.
Dr. Puharich also takes up
Shamanism and Yoga, and concludes with a scholarly summation of all the phenomena covered, analyzing them from biological, physiological, and
psychological standpoints. He
also describes the qualities
and actions of "Psi Plasma".
The book abounds with references thruout, and includes a
number of appendices, a bibliography, and general index --
which should appeal to the student who wants his data spelled
out for him in academic "fine
print". -- SoPhia Tryst.
She dwelt among the untrodden
ways --
Few were the visitors who
sought her.
(This might have been a different ditty
If she had been the least
bit pretty.)
-- Lorraine E. Harr
Experience seems to be like
the shining of a bright lantern. It suddenly makes clear
in the mind what was already
there, perhaps, but dim .
-- Walter De La Mare