Volume 3, Issue 7, page 14
standing can be imparted and awake jects. However,
ened within individuals and as their snell man and 1E
minds change they change. to the so-calla
"I was particularly anxious for world we have a
you to get into Meher Baba's ac- curtain which he
counting of the ' Sanskaras', or the in all nations.
impressions gathered from mass ex- have a taboo
perience, lifetime to lifetime or And likewise, the
incarnation to incarnation, and the 'lexically, the
extremes or opposites to white the hidden, the more
individual gathers experience as light. Works in
tho a processing session were oc- live salesmanship
curr~ lifetime to lifetime. the long run, sec
" deftly, a person can be car- "The world
ried to extremes in his imagination not nation :Tail
and the impressions created or dim -- thought. It's th
persed and the person brought to against the litt
balance more or less between the ex- lions and races.
trmhes in a matter of hours instead over, and laps
of taking a whole lifetime or many the small fry Leap
lifetimes to do it. And even if the Even in the cote!
reincarnation theory is only fan- condition exists
tasy...the theory can be used quite colored person
effectively to clear many people of successful of his
distressing illness. mingling with oth "By Ron introducing Dianetics as oreedd people, he
a science of mental health and inva- cessful white
that field; then getting into vantage of the
thhegfield of religion and invading The real segrega
that field; and into psychology and race.
invading that field (and now poll- "Our pressure
tics!), he is dispersing the mater- meat are merely
ial rapidly throughout all levels of want more cant
society. And by jumping from one lo- And congenial
cale to another, he doesn't remain a The two parties
target vulnerable to those who would and neither is
retain the status quo. the truth to
"Don't know whyyour friend should they would then
be angry with Bon's political view- other, which
points. As an untrained analyst, I'd selves, and the
say it was a worthwhile congress. power. And since
Dianetics was enphasized along with escape the notic
the aonnunication formula and the preoccupied wi
students are trained to run engrains issues, the or
as can