Auditorial Thoughts
The Aberree
Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites' for Earth, Mars,
Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and Zydokumzruskehen
Vol. XII APRIL, 1965 No. 1
Published monthly, except for the combined JanuaryFebruary and the July-August issues, at
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POLICY: Don't take it so damn' seriously. The infiniteness of Man is not reduced to a "split infinity"
by wars, taxes, or"experts" who seek to sell
him what he already has in an infinite amount.
SUB-POLICY: We reserve the right to change our minds
from issue to issue, or even from page to page,
if we desire.
SUB-SUB-POLICY: Each Man has the inherent right to be
his own and only "Authority",
SUB-SUB-SUB-POLICY -- We have no objection to "educated
guesses" about Mac's destiny -- if there's no
price tag to it, and if the guesser has no objection to our guessing he's only guessing.
AUDITORIAL THOTS It seemed to me that
IN A PERSONAL I could not do betL E T T E R ter, auditorially, than
to share this thot -- /rovoking letter received from our friend
SARAH LOOMIS, formerly editor of a Dianetic Publication called The COMMUNICATOR, now owner of Kiowa Kennels and enthusiastic editor of The SHELTIE SPECIAL.
" Wish it were possible for me to pop
down there and help you out, but since I
can't, I can only assume that's the right
way for it to be.
"There plain isn't much I can say without sounding either "sort of hard-hearted",
since I DO most firmly believe that the
right things D O happen if we can only somehow by-pass our preferences and our ideas
of how we want it to be and use them instead of being shoved around by them, or
else " making appropriate comments '' which
just don't make too much sense, really.
"I know Alphia well enough to know he 's
the sort that simply doesn't make mistakes -- I' 11 try to clarify that if I can.
There are a lot of us who are like that --
being on e yourself, you'll understand
what I'm saying here -- but sometimes we
lack the data or the ability, or whatever, and can't quite do the things that
are right as well or as gracefully as
they might be done.
"So -- whatever it is he's doing now, I'm
sure that if he'd been able, Alphia would
have done it in a more comfortable and
graceful manner.
"It seems to me, then, that if, when
these things happen, we can just sort of
"let it have happened'', we will be able
to see the good and right in it sooner
and more easily.
"As I said, I'm afraid this sounds sort
of "hard-hearted". Yet, really, it isn't .
"H)wever it sounds -- my love and best
wishes are with you both. -- Sadah.
THOUGHT -- Few realize the tremendous power
of thought. When you understand what thought
is, where it comes from, and where it goes, you
will understand how to use it for your good
and the good of others. What is thought?
Thought is a potential power -- a silent, potential power. It is a power that you cannot
see, you cannot touch, you cannot weigh, you
cannot smell. None of your senses is conscious
of it, or can be conscious of it. Thoughts are
vibrations sent out; thoughts are vibrations
received in the brain. -- From. "Life Is as You
Give It", by Louis Conde'-Lahissa.
HAPPINESS AND HEALTH -- The law is this: The
more you think about yourself, the more troubles you are heaping upon yourself. The less
you think about yourself, the happier and
healthier you will be, and the younger you
will remain. -- From "Life Is as You Give It",
by Louis Conde-Lahissa.