Volume 9, Issue 4, page 17
by her own admission she says,
quote: 'E. J. G. has frequently
co-operated with those attempting to investigate psychic phenomena'.
"What does she mean 'attempting' to investigate? M.M .
then says, 'I don't know the
details or whether she succeeded in doing her stuff.'
"Why do people who don't
know shout it out loud?
"M. M. thinks it is a joke
to set up conditions for a
test of powers for those who
boast of those powers. School
systems do not at all think it
a joke to insist that credit
for accomplishment will only
be given to those who successfully pass tests proving their
"M. M. talks about school
girl nervousness for amateurs
to perform. We are not dealing
with homespun performers. The
people we are dealing with are
milking millions from the gullible. They talk long and loud
but sputter when asked to perform. My 'Pop' used to eagerly
answer my biblical questions,
when he knew the answers, but
when he didn't, he would
froth, 'Shut up, you talk too
much!' Besides, claimants to
supernormal powers are not
giving their own physical performance. They are merely the
vehicle thru which the answers
or demonstrations come -- just
as the telephone is a medium
thru which the voice comes, and
who ever heard of a nervous
telephone. In addition if the
performance is from a discarnate intelligence who has no
physical body, no body no ganglion of nerves; no nerves no
nervousness is possible.
"Margery Mansfield tops her
I-do-not-know-myself letter by
saying if you write to E. J.
Garrett, you will 'probably'
get an answer. The 'probably'
is hers, it proves that she
probably never met E.J. G. , but
only knows of her.
"'Followers' remain followers. I f I should convince M. M .
that she is following false
values, she would probably
want to be a 'Follower' of
mine." -- Jacob I¢sel, Milwaukee, Wis. 0 0 0
"Your implication that I
could come up with a poem under test conditions, if I had
to, and if I knew that the
'best' news stories are written
under pressure -- brings to memory the dear old days when I
worked in the newspaper bedlam... Simple as the literary
(news) composition is, the office floor is quickly littered
with the writer's false starts.
Then, tho he does not rewrite
it, it goes to a desk man who
irons it out. A glimpse before
and after will show how far the
reporter has been from writing
clearly, briefly, and correctly. So there is reason to doubt
if the confusion and pressure
help him -- except that the pressure does get him at it.
"To change the subject, the
New Orleans woman was not excommunicated for her belief,
which many southern Catholics
share, but for her insubordination in trying to get the
bishop to act contrary to his
belief or his interpretation
of the official position of the
church. Similarly, a Boston
priest was excommunicated several years ago because he
would not, as ordered by his
bishop, cease to preach that
there is no salvation outside
the Catholic church. Many Catholics believe that and are
not excommunicated for the belief. Methodists have a provision whereas members can believe what they want to so
long as they don't make trouble
with it. But if they disrupt
the harmony of the church with
their opinions, out they go.
The Congregationalists believe
in complete freedom of thought
and expression. What happened?
A Unitarian faction arose, got
in control, and took the property, the church buildings,
etc., leaving the Congregationalists who believed in the
Trinity to begin over again.
Still, as a Congregationalist,
I think that was better than a
policy of suppression.
"On Jesus' healings as told
in the gospels: Some he attributed to the patient's faith ,
but in several cases the patient was unconscious or miles
away. In some cases his forgiveness of sin suggests that
the paralytics were punishing
themselves for real or imagined sins. Jesus did not go
about healing indiscriminately
-- somebody had to ask for it,
if not the patient, then the
parent or employer. Their faith
was not always perfect. A
father said, 'I believe -- heal
my unbelief'. Jesus asked a
blind man what he wanted before healing him. This tallies
with modern science which has
discovered that not all the
ill want to be well, and may,
if their symptom is healed via
hypnosis, get a worse one or
resort to suicide. Whether all
ailments are potentially curable by Jesus or anyone else
is anyone's guess. If God can
cure anything or all of us, at
least He doesn't." -- Margery
Mansfield, Monterey, Mass.
"I have one or two comments
to make on W. Burton Essex's
interesting article (May '6 2).
In it, he states that 'we are
bits of earth matter'. But we
are not physical substances.
We are each a unit of life, a
spirit, or 'bit of God'. Ref.:
it states in the Christian Bible that 'God made man in his
own image'. God is a spirit
being, therefore we are likewise. These very material bodies that we seem unavoidably
associated with are just vehicles, thru which a spirit
can handle the physical universe. The physical universe
is the result of a collective
image of spirits, except for a
few who are out of agreement
with the majority. These can
be found behind bars in real
"There seems plenty of evidence that the planets affect
our subconscious, but these
blueprints are modified by us
(the conscious) to the degree
that we are not tied up with
the physical universe. Hope you
understand what I'm trying to
"Hearty congratulations to
the scientists who propose a
500-mile-up H-blast. Only I
strongly suggest two explosions, one at 0"' N, 0"' W, and
the other opposite on the other
side of the earth. This way we
might blast a hole right thru,
with consequent benefits to
communications and trade. Airliners, for instance, could go
straight thru." -- Dennis Smith,
Malvern, Worcs., England.
"Mr. Harr's letter in the
June ABERREE exhibits the usual provincialism of the Hubbard worshippers.
"There is, first of all, the
curious notion that 'it all
began in 1950 with Book I'.
This is so absurd as to strike
any independent observer with
amazement -- yet it is an article of faith with Hubbardians.
However, the world DID exist
before 1950, and many excellent
workers made contributions to
the field of integration prior
to that time. By this dogmatic
insistence on isolating Dianetics and Scientology from
the accumulated knowledge and
wisdom of the ages, the Hubbardians are simply making
certain the ultimate demise of
their steadily declining cult.
"In the second place, I
note with amazement that Mr.
Harr makes no mention of providing space for the Walsh's
Totology, Schroeppel's very
intriguing Advanced Perception ,
or Wetherill's Humanetics. His
suggestion that it would be
'only fair' to 'present some
straight Hubbard' in the ABERREE would be more creditable
if he showed some sign of being fair himself. Frankly, I