Volume 7, Issue 2, page 14
the Salvation Army, there are teurs of good religious move- O.'s superconscious Big Rebecmany pentecostal churches ments. Simple as that. The ar- ca, my subconscious Little
working primarily among the title was intended to kinda Jacob and L.O.'s subconscious
poor and there are other, old- scrape off some mud with the Little Rebecca. A free and easy
er churches that do not think detergent of clear-thinking. Is communicabt.bn was established
it impossible for a rich man the motivation clear, now? As which was most gratifying --
to get into heaven to 'The Book They Blamed on most gratifying until the
"If a person is a stickler God' by Dr. Karl Kridler, I do glamor wore off. I began findfor theological points, there not know as to the validity of ing shortcomings in their inare some 240 Protestant denOm- his views but will give him telligence AND knowledge. I
inations to choose from. There full credit for his attempt to shall not go into detail, but
are also churches, such as the reveal the truth as he has seen under some pressure Big and
Methodist and the United Church it and in passing it on for Little Jacob, Big and Little
of Christ (to both of which I others to share as they see Rebecca admitted that they
belonged), which do not commit fit. Point is obvious that this were 4 people in the Heaven
you to any elaborate creed. I man is a searcher for the truth World who were responding.
could not accept with entire and is doing it in a construc- "After L.O. falls asleep, I
faith the idea that a person tive manner by digging it out dave been carrying on tests and
is a Christian because of in- as best he can. I am quite sure conversation for some times 2
fant baptism -- to me to be that neither he nor I are at- hours into the night. This has
'ready' is to be psychologi- tempting tc create new denomi- been going on almost solidly
cally ready, ripe for it -- per- nations as you suggested while for the 11 months that we are
haps from having discovered linking our respective arti- married. I now get answers too,
some fallacies in one's agnos- Iles together as a class. Sor- but not as freely as before
ticism, or that the churches ry you missed the point; bet- (from our 4 subter-fug-itives).
aren't as narrow as one had ter luck next time." -- Inf. 20. Under hammering challenges I
believed. It doesn't seem (to 4