Volume 10, Issue 7, page 9

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HIS LESSON is another and earlier
version of the emotional curve
technique for those who can !t get
results with the method depicted
last month. It, too, is not a oneperson technique; it is strictly a
team technique, and no individual
has any business experimenting with
it by himself. This method was in
use at the Dianetics Foundation in
Wichita, Kas., at the time I was there.

It has been used elsewhere, and many of
the old-time Dianetic auditors are familiar with it. However, not many of them
are familiar with it in the form in which
I am going to give it to you.

This is another form of emotional curve ;
this time the emotional curve thru which the
individual goes when he runs into a heavy
failure in life. Tomlin it, seat your subject
comfortably in a large, soft chair, or have
him lie on a couch. Check his memory to make
sure it is good. Then ask him for a reasonably
heavy failure, an occasion when he failed at
something. You want him to recall how he felt
within himself in the period leading up to the
failure: what his emotion was, how his body
felt as he approached the failure point, how
he felt at the exact point when he agreed that
he failed, and how he felt after he had decided that the failure was over and he went on
about his business to do something else.

Have your subject experience these emotions,
moving all the way thru the incident from one
, end to the other. You want him to get as much
reality on the internal sensations as possible,
on the change in emotions. You want his attention focused internally in himself, on his own
W interior workings and how they function, on
i his endocrine system and how it changes, what
the various glands do as he is going along the
o curve. Keep his attention very close to this.
Do not ask him for his effect on the external
1 environment of the incident. Do not yourself
require much of his attention. See to it that
1 the biggest part of his attention -- 90 to 95
percent -- is on what his own system, his inW sides physical and emotional, is doing. He
W should be pretty close to his own workings, in
a state almost of deep trance, but even if he
ix is not and is a lot more active than that, his
04 attention thruout should be within himself and
[x7 not on creating an effect on his immediate exCQ ternal environment. Don't get tricky with him
a and have to be watched, or anything like that.

Go very gently and carefully, quietly and
y easily. Accept what he gives you, no matter
what he turns up, and don't reject any data.
If he says, "I just cut my grandmother's
throat," answer: "Fine. Did she bleed much?
and did you enjoy doing it? or are you unhappy
about it? How did it make you feel? and how
did she feel about it?" Don't indicate in any
9 way that there is anything wrong or startling
WARNING -- These lessons i n "Advanced Perception" are not t o be treated lightly -- or delved
In by the curious for idle or questionable
goals. As the Author cautions, they're dangerous -- and it Is suggested two persons with similar intent work as a team. One of the risks involved, Mr. Schroeppel warns, is that some who
successfully develop their advanced perception
"are going to see some things they'd rather not
see". And don't mix with any other technique,
or you may find yourself working at cross-purposes. Which is no place to find yourself, or
for 9nyone else to find you -- especially an Incompetent psychologist or psychiatrist. They
^ay get the Idea you're as crazy as they are.
about the incident. Act as if it is the sort
of thing that happens every day, and you have
stood by watching such things daily for the
past 10 years with nothing more than a mild

Your subject will start out, or should
start, on a fairly high note, feeling fairly
good. As he goes along, the drop at the point
of failure may be slow or fast, and the rise
will probably but not necessarily be correspondingly slow or fast. Make sure that you
follow the curve all the way thru the incident
until you come out on the high side.

Have the individual, go thru this in memory
a number of times until he has within himself
the memory of how his emotions changed. Make
sure that he actually recalls within the body
the sensations he experienced as he went thru
this failure, and then have him run thru these
sensations several times.

After he gets fairly good at it and can go
thru it rapidly, have him go thru it backwards. Start at the end of the incident and
have him feel the emotions back thru to the
beginning. Have him do this a few times, and
then have him run the emotional curve of the
failure incident back and forth, beginning to
end and end to beginning, 15 or 20 times.

When he has done this and has it well down,
then ask him if there were any earlier times
when his emotional pattern changed in this
same way. Ask him to look for such earlier
patterns, and see if he turns up any. If he
does, use the same technique on these, running
thru the changes from front to back, from back
to front, and then back and forth, thru the
emotional changes in the body. In each incident, when he has recalled it sharply and you
have swung him back and forth thru it several
times, ask him for something earlier, an earlier incident like this, until you get to the
earliest one he will give you, no matter what
it is. It may be at 20 years old, it may be
two years old. Maybe it's at birth, maybe it's
conception, and maybe it's Bridey Murphy; but
whatever it is, you take it quietly and say
nothing more than, "How did you feel?... All
right, now go thru it again." Keep crowding
him for his inward feelings in the incident.

Eventually, when you hit the earliest one,
ran him thru it several times, then have him
slow down at the lowest point on the curve and
soak in that Particular sensation. Have him