Volume 7, Issue 8, page 19

ï WANT OLD (before 1955) Scientology material for area H.C.O.
Vol. Sec. office library. Anyone
want to sell or donate their dusty
stuff to this good cause? Phyllis
S. Moore, 8060 West 38th Avenue,
Wheatridge, Colorado. 58-2'
ï SUBSCRIBE to "Eternal Youth
Life" for 1961, $1.50 per year.
Articles on how seed is conserved
naturally, elisination of menses
and pollutions, nevertheless enjoying rapturous youthifying love
relationship among sexes thru dietic science, and how to generate
will power that makes all such
mystic keys available. J. Lovewisdom, Otavalo, Ecuador. 68-1'
Mowbray. Published by the Beach
News, 4005 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn 24, N. Y. 25t. Sublime spiritual s c ience success secrets
should solve your personal problems. Tune in on The Infinite and
hear the bells of the angels ring.
New, beautiful, illustrated brochure. 68-1'
ï "MYSTIC MIRROR", by Arnold Mowbray, published by the Beach
News, 4005 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn 24, N.Y. 24 pages. $1.00.
"Truths taken from 20 teachers in
the fields of ancient mysticism,
psychosomatic medicine and modern
metaphysics are summarized in this
attractive, lavishly illustrated
booklet. The author i s a metaphysical practitioner ^ h o h a s
spent over 20 years in the study
of religion. Altho his booklet is
small, it contains a wealth of
SEEKING -- truth about LIFE
and LOVE? If ready to deny
you can become a member of
Searchers Club. Write ' NOW
for free brief on this new
by-mail club.

P. O. Box 1076, Boerne. Texas
Expert Advice and Counsel on
THREE questions, Love, Fear.
Money. Business, Health. (Regularly $5.00) Now $2.00. State
birth date. FREE to each client: Blessed and Anointed Cloth.

P. O. Box 221
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
wisdom, which the reader is unlikely to find elsewhere in one
volume. Inspirational in nature,
the booklet contains definite
suggestions for those seeking
health, prosperity and peace of
mind." -- Guy Archette in ' Fate'
Magazine. 68-1'
by F.V.Seabrook. Treat yourself
to Life by reading this provocative and prophetic book which the
undertakers would love to suppress. Why die when it is possible to live forever in the same
physical? (Even Methuselah died
prematurely.) God made man to
live, not to die. In fact, it's a
sin to die. And man dies only because he does not know how to
live. Death, unlike taxes, is not
inevitable! This book is based on
the latest findings of medical
and scientific research, the Bible and Metaphysics. Recently Dr.
Linus Pawling, Nobel prize winner
in chemistry, said that death is
"unnatural" and the body is quite
immortal. This is another way of
saying that the body is the soul
(Genesis 2:7). Do you not see the
mystery? FREE bulletin on request.
Send $2.00 in cash, check, or
^oney order, but no C.O.D.'s, to
Ponce deLeon Foundation, 310 Macon
Street, Brooklyn 16, N.Y. 67-3'
ï IF YOU WILL sit down and write
to ^e, telling me some facts
about your life, and ^hat problems
you have that you would like to
have help with, I ^ill be glad to
answer and help you find the solutions. This ^ay require that a
few letters be exchanged so that
I can aid in having YOU find the
solution. This is a new service
which I am pleased to offer, and
will give ^y attention to; no
matter how severe the problem is,
it will be handled with confidence
and ethics. You will not know
this.unless you try. Please send
$2.00 with first letter to help
cover costs; if I cannot help you,
I will say so, and return your
donation. Please address: "Michael", c/o Marcap Council, Inc.,
Route 3, Box 400, Fort myers,
Fla. 67-2ï
ï NOTICE -- Three and a half years
ago I started using Super-Life,
and the first noticeable result
was less fatigue. Continued use
of these capsules of dehydrated
juices of natural foods resulted
in development of some very limited ability at extrasensory perception (ESP), which I put to use
by prospecting for gold.. Apparently the Super-Life worked just
good enough to produce enough ESP
to help; I am now owner of the
fabulous Golden Goose Mine, a
$15,000,000 deposit of gold nugThe ABERREE
gets. Having found something that
really works, it is good to tell
others. Having enough gold, I
don't particularly give a damn
whether you take my advice or not,
but I would suggest you take $2
from your monthly drug budget, $2
from your soul-improvement budget, and $2 from your grocery
budget, and send me the $6 every
month, and I will have my secretary ^ail you a month's supply of
Super-Life. Lee Kelley, Box 231,
Congress, Arizona. 67-2'
Arthur J. Burks, an exciting
book which tells, in a warmly
personal manner, the story of the
author's experiences in the Arizona desert, with the "sleeping
woman", Zoe Nickerson. Each chapter represents "readings" of persons who received same. Burks has
recreated the h aan interest
stories of each, ag he saw, heard,
and reported the findings of "Zoein-samadhi". $1 per copy. Parastudy Publications, 120 Sensor
Dr., Newark, Delaware. 54-tf
ï SCRUB OAKS, by Alphia Hart --
330-page, cloth-bound novel of
love and hate in an Oklahoma oilboom town. (No "isms" or "ologies".)' Issue price ^as $3.50;
close-out at $1. The ABERREE, Box
528, Enid, Okla.

ABERREE, as of October, 1960, as
required by the act of Aug. 24,
1912, as amended by the acts of
March 3, 1933, July 2, 1946, and
June 11, 1960.

Published monthly, except for
the combined July-August and January-February issues, at Enid,
1. The name of the publisher
is Alice Agnes Hart and the editor and business manager is Alphia Hart, both of 207 North
Washington, Enid, Okla.
2. The owners are Alphia and
Alice Agnes Hart, both of 207 N.
Washington, Enid, Okla.
3. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders
owning or holding 1% or more of
total amount of bonds, mortagees,
or other securities are NONE.
5. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, thru
the mails or otherwise, to paid
subscribers during the 12 months
preceding the date shown above
was 807. Signed, ALICE AGNES HART
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 27th day of September,
1960. Mildred Hardenbrook, Notary
Public. (My commission expires
Oct. 10, 1961.)
semï ARE YOU READY to accept luxury
you can afford? Island paradise. Fresh water pool. Concert
grand in lounge. Twenty-five rooms
for lease. Twenty-five dollars
per ^ on th each. Sleep, relax,
study. Instructions in arts, met aphysics, correlated. Tarot and ï REQUEST AN INVITATION
personal counseling available__ bership from The Florida Soci- ï DOCTORATE COURSE NOTESóFrom
Write for photos. Box 216, Ava- ety moi Fsychicatesea~ch; i~fe -- - tfie $-8008taF~~_v~s~ian- ___
_,lon, California. 58-2' Write Box 652, Green Cove Springs, tology by L. Ron Hubbard. Reprint
Florida. 68-ti edition; original sold out at
$7.50 each. While they last, only
$2. ABERREE, Box 528, Enid, Ok.