Volume 6, Issue 10, page 4

Man's Senses
Record Only
What's Dying
ERACLITUS said: "Life is a lyre,
for its tune is death."
When a string of a lyre is
sprung from its state of rest, the
lyre is mute until the plucked
string is released. The life of
the sound that is then heard is
the dying time of the vibratory
action of the string as it returns
to the position of its origin. The
sound is its own death knell. Its song is
its swan song.

The vibrations of a string of a string-instrument vibrate its sounding board, which vibrates the air, which vibrates the ear, which
vibrates a string of nerves. The life of the
sensation of hearing is the time it takes the
nerve impulses to come to rest in its synapse,
where it dies back and rebalances itself in
its zero beginning.

What we hear as the sound of a drum orother percussion instrument is the dying of its
impulses. We sense the death state, the returnings of the percussioim from sound to silence. In a lyre, the strings are its drumsticks. Its work is returning to rest.

When the Mosaic high priest sounded the
ram's horn, the congregation trembled. The air
displaced from the apexial center of the horn
out into the divisions of life is a silent
experience. The returning of the air back in
and up to the ap is the appearance of the
sound. Literally, the congregation was trembled back mosaically to the silence of the
starting point.

The li-fe of a peal of thunder is the time
it takes for the displaced air from the electrical explosion to make a return appearance
in its source. Like the ram's horn; thunder is
a wind instrument. The crash we hear is the
wind rushing back to the exact point from
which it started=-back into its own heart. Our
sensation of hearing it is our reception of
the same action on our senses. We hear the
thunder's death-rattle.

We can hasten the death of a sound by stopping the lyre strings with the hand. We can
delay it by plugging the wide open end of the
horn and preventing the air from returning.

When a food,, such as an acid, impinges on
the tongue chemically, the life of the sensation of taste is the dying time for the tongue
to neutralize the acid's percussion on. it.
Smells are death knells of the chemical actions of the odorous vapors on the olfactory
nerve strings as they come to rest directly on
the brain. Smelling is smalling.

The sensation of touch is the dying time it
takes the disturbed atoms of the flesh td return to its zero norm. When a ray of light impinges on the retina of the eye, we see the
light of life as it dies in our eyes.

Desire is a disturbance of the zero state
of rest. To desire is to de-zero. Feeling is
the sealing back in. The shapes on the lyre
are the feminine curves of death. The arcs are
the arks that carry the divided sound spectrum
back into the white silence. A bell is a belle
Isabelle. Her sound is the toll she takes.

The dezeroing desire of going out is mute
and masculine, and goes out on the square radially. The rezeroing feeling is the feminine
ingathering, returning all circularly and pi
(3 1/71 ratio-ally back to the point of beginning. That which is heard is her-ed, is a herd
of vibrations on its way home. Life is a dying
process, herding all the outgoings into a die,
into a mosaic. Every split second of life is a

Life is the silent action of a falling star.
Death is the wailing prodigal son, the reaction of the disturbed elements working their
way back to the Father's house.

We know only what our senses tell us because our senses are no-ing processes.

Heraclitus spoke of "Immortal mortals and
mortal immortals -- one living the other's death
and dead the other's life. For it is death to
the breath of life to become liquid, and death
to the liquid to become solid. But from solid
comes liquid and from such liquid the breath
of life.
"The path up and the path down is one and
the same. Identical the beginning and the
end... Living and dead are the same, and so
awake and asleep, young and old."
Something is what something does. Only life
can die and only death can come to life. Those
awake become sleepy and go to sleep in order
to awake. The positives are forever negatizing. The negatives are forever positizing.
These opposite polarities exist simultaneously
and they spawn each other spontaneously.

Life is a lyre is a liar, for its tune is
death. When you look at life, you are viewing
death. The labor of. life is to come to rest.

When we are divided out from God, there is
no pain felt at the time. Our paining is pinning our divided selves back in the point.
Suffering is sphere-ing back in. Suffer (comma)
little children (comma) to come unto Me.

When a person in action reaches the limit
of its existence in the periphery, where the
action is as far out as it can go, he is tired.
Then his well is like a wheel that is tired.
The action has tired itself.

But if it stretches the hub of the action
to the very boundary of its tiring, and doesn't go flat, the tire will bound him back to
the beginning of the action. When this occurs,
he gets his second wind.

When you're all in, you're all out. You
have to reach bottom to reach the pinnacle.

To be tired is to be tried.
If a modern husband had even the masculinity of a black widow spider, he would give in
and give up.


Perhaps the Old Testament was just propounding a chemical formula when it described bow
Mrs. Lot took the destruction of Sodom (Sodium) with a large grain of salt.

Our universe is a zero continuum.
4 The ABERREE (MARCH, 1960