Volume 5, Issue 4, page 19

and am really enjoying just 'aber' is 'but'. And surely truth until needed no more, due.
being a spectator... there have been slot of 'buts' to all things of a transient
''l wonder whatI have gained in one way or another in The nature ceasing to exist.
from my eight years' contact ABERMEE's lifetime." -- Will "You ask in the Rev. Jacob
with Dianetics and Scientol- Roth. Dallas, Texas. Kristy column 'Is it fable,
ogy ... I have lots of little 4 § symbol, or history?' In a way,
do-it-yourself techniques for "I've been in business a.., all three. Certainly the story
gaining this and that or los- lot longer than The ABERREE, of the physical healings and
ing this or that; the most ef- and I've dared to be original the crucifixion are fable.
fective of which date from the or quaint or individualistic Four presenters of the law
1951-3 period. I discovered or conformist or anything else were in the field at the time,
the games theory for myself aside from the median mode, a Judeaus Philo being one, the
before the news was released by hell of a lot mere times than man referred to as Steven anL.Ron. But I still don't know The ABERREE, and I'm still op- other. The man Joshua wrote his
whether it is really worth erating. Never had it so good. own material, the originals
changing or not. "Every kick is a boost. I were destroyed after being re"The end of the last para- venture to say that all those written in Aramaic and placed
graph brings me back to 'The complaints are the best com- with olderwriting so as to
Man Who Could Work Miracles'. Pliments you will ever hope to appear authentic. The connivers
what really is the point of get. Like the 'gentleman' said of Constantine used Apollonious
being clear, or having all when the object of his affect- of Tyanna in the rebuild for
these special faculties; why ion slapped him across the face he was a mental healer with
strive and spend time changing with blueberry pie, 'She likes works that would appeal to the
only to find that if you'd me'. Also, it is characteris- religious belief consciousness.
stayed as you were you would tic of those who_are satisfied "The original writings did
have got there (wherever' there' with a thing to make no commo- not contain the 'Oral Code', so
is) just the same but with tion about it. Enthusiasm, what is retained of the origmore time to see the view on either pro or con, is a mark inal in the present mess cannot
the way! If I'm playing a game of dissatisfaction in some be understood by anyone not
I ought to play my part in the form or another. Usually, self- having the 'Oral Code'. So, all
game as it is, and if I've dissatisfaction. interpretations by preachers
agreed to be short of money, "I liked the name ABERREE and others is more or less assick, and all the rest of it, from the very first I heard of inine. Some of the trash in
isn't it cheating to want to it and keep one in my waiting the present writing is most
play the rich, healthy lead? room (1-man tonsorial studio ) 'corny', such as Alpha and
Somebody has got to play the all the time where approxi- Omega being Greek, not Aramaic.
minor parts, the second fid- mately 100 a week may see it. Supplying the'Oral Code' chandles, the halt, lame, and the It doesn't make anyone think I ges the meaning entirely, 'I
blind; someone has to be the am nuts. They already know it. am the beginning (of the new)
Aberree and someone has to So I have fame, prestige, rep- and the end (of the old ).'
stay the Aberree -- and it might utation, volume of business, "Paul, of the Egyptian menas well be Alphia Hart. If you etc., above all competitors in tal, knew nothing of the 'Oral
don't no doubt someone else this area. Code', so his writings are more
will, and he mightn't play it "It pains me to the 'Hart' or less stupid. 'Soul' refers
quite so good! to know you even thought of to the 'Divine Potential', not
"If you changed your title changing the name ABERREE. They the psychic body that is reto 'The Infinites', someone tell me that in France the tained when one is unhorsed
would take you for a science- word means 'to erase'. from the physical body. The
fiction magazine. 'Muddy w a- "Here's one subscriber you 'Soul' body potential is withters' sounds a bit too much like will probably lose if you in the psychic body but cannot
a true-confessions magazine. change the name. No promises, be developed without a physical
'Unclean' or 'Unclear' sounds tho." -- Malcolm Hoover, Ander- body, so the loss of the phystoo much like a leper warning son, Ind. ical is a loss for a time of
folk to stay away. We have a § 4 the opportunity to develop the
political weekly in this coun- "What's all this foolishness 'Divine Potential'.
try called 'Truth' (other po- about changing your popular "Reincarnation isa time and
litical weeklies here seem to label?... (Alice) Tell Alphia space law, a death law, and can
doubt it. Of course, a rose he's only part owner in his be annulled if one knows how
by any other name -- but if you label -- he may be cause of its to withdraw his recognition
became 'Rose', people would beginning but we are cause of from all phases of death law
expect to find articles about our acceptance of it...All the functioning. Just believing
raising flowers. I seem to re- people who agree to change it you will not die is no release
member a poet somewhere refer- are making silly suggestions, for other attachments will kill
ring to harts panting, but if so here's mine: EERREBA, which you. God Almighty, the REAL
you called yourself the Pants signifies Aberree, aberrated You, in you, must not only have
of Heart, or Hart's Pants, from itself:' -- Alma Hill, Fort your praise of full recognithe Pajama Game might get con- lent, Maine. tion, but recognizing attachfused with you. No, Alphia, 4 4 4 ments to death in all its funcfor me you stay the Aberree." "I do like the name, it is tions must be severed. All the
-- Phil Hetherington, Chorley, so apropos in many ways. Of mental teachers accept physiLancs., England. course in this sub-normal cal death, and naturally and
4 4 world, 'straying to the normal' hypnotically, this prayer be"As far as name suggestions would be more fitting, but ing made, must come true, for
go, how about just abbreviat- even rooted in the word aber- there is no action here above
ing it to 'Aber' ? On a Fried- rated and straying to the more this level of awareness.
man basis this has a double concise, it has also the tang "If you oppose all the proof
meaning because, not only could or rightness. I certainly of history, and recognize your
it stand for our beloved ABER- would not change the name, for Real Self as God Almighty, a
REE, but the German meaning of it has the spice of enduring living, eternal being, then