Volume 4, Issue 4, page 15

z~`; r3 g r. ,, x ; A~ cuse! We are a
-,,I,, -- we want to Is
k~ a f why jump out o
;,# e a ~,w + into the fire
.p . has built a b
,. ,~,,~'_~` Phil Hetherin
„r ;`~- p~~'~• Lanes., Engles
W A "'Tin the
O And all thru
k Not a press is
r rr^~ i /s ,..:;, mss. Manuscripts a
sl - In corners wit
Alphies s socks
.A- Are slung over
And dear Alice
x ;; Alphia .poised
Have just simm
ge~/1 ~~~~i From their hot
Gt.v~i "When out i
"I don't know now howl used There arises
to manage to turn out monthly Alphia bestir
articles for BDR as I did for To see what i
over two years 'way back in Nuclear tests
1952-4. I used to spend half stirring up th
my spare time on auditing and With which us
The moon on t
writing articles in those days. Of the new flu
Since then I have been grad- Gives a lustre
ually fading out of such ac- On a world spe
tivities. The Preston Scien- "And who is
tology Group met weekly until so deadly, but
last summer, but that is fad- For your info
ing out now as I feel less and It isn't st. N
less like solving other folk's Or God, or th
problems for them. I find mY Or the saints,
own family really provides all But all the wo
the games I want at this time. Whom John Q. h
As time goes on I seem to have Putting into
lost the urge I used to have The reins of h
to help lame ducks over stiles. But the joy-ri
I found the stiles they wanted As it's driven
to climb weren't the ones I "Now Stronti
wanted them to climb. I have Now Cobalt! An
no objection to anybody climb- pull us
ing any stiles they want -- I'm To the next
even willing to watch them More rapid th
climb. Or tell them it's anite The fallouts
stile! I am still at this wri- Gnawing into 0
ting a special member of H.A. To the last li
s . I . probably the reason I am As you gaze in
still one is that I don't and Where none can
never have cared whether I was You can only i
a member or not. With the clea
"Did you hear about the "A dead foe
building fund for their pres- A world, withe
ent English H Q? The old one Paying respect
was in the way of a road mid- Which can give
ening scheme so it had to come In the quiet
down. So they obtained the The wake of th
present one and then assessed There's not ev
every English member at £5 for It's the end o
General Members and £ 25 for There's none I
professional and Special Mem- Vision vanishe
hers... Merry Christma
"After several years of ob- We're off into
nervation of the effects of "And away
processing or auditing, and little childr
many more years of observing ing with fire
healing methods of other Monterey, Cali
schools, I have come to the (ED. NOTE --
conclusion that it doesn't lousy poetry,
matter much what the healer ism wasn't mu
does or says so long as the did need a Chr
pre-clear or patient is look- some type in t
ing for an excuse to change.

What puzzles me is why folks "For years
(including myself) need an ex- deluged with
A t dr
They've group ss is
h r t a d c ww ecc
we are because as a prize everything fn _-I
a as we are; and race horse to a reserved seat
f the frying pan on the first commercial takeeven if someone off to the moon. So, Alphia,
etter bridge? " -- here's a novel contest. What
7ton, Chorley, kicks this off is Mr. Much. MuchAdo-About-Nothing Friedman's
statement that Presleep Tapes
berree Christmas ought to be called 'Parasleep
he shop Tapes'. The prefix 'pant' is a
a humming, direct root word meaning merely
to a stop. 'near' or 'beside'. While'pree all heaped sleep' is intriguing and unhout care. derstandable to most people,
, full of holes, 'parasleep' generates no men' chair. tal picture and would be mean, in her jeans, ingless to 'most everyone exwith nightcap, cept perhaps some occasional
ered down stray oddball.
summer's nap. "Now, there is another acn the world curate, understandable a n d
uch clatter, descriptive name for the 'prehimself sleep tape' -- one that we have
the matter, never used or published. I am
a blasting away, sending you this name in a
e ill winds sealed envelope herewith. If
to flay. any of your readers can come
e breast up with a duplicate, that is,
Ien ash with this unused word that deof horror scribes these tapes, the winwn with trash. ner will receive free one perour driver sonalized made-to-measure prequick? sleep tape. If there is more
nation, than one correct entry, t h e
ick -- one bearing the earliest poste Devil, mark will be adjudged the windo do be praised, ner. The next two will be
rld leaders awarded a stock relaxation
as raised -- tape, and the next three will
heir hands be awarded a year's sub. to
is sleigh, The ABERREE. Contest to close
de is brief just in time to get the name
away, of the winner into the Septemum! Now Hydrogen! ber issue of The ABERREE." --
d our jerks Volney Mathison, Los Angeles.
along (ED. NOTE -- O. K., you "theta
reworks clears" and mind-readers -- but
n lightning if I catch you sneaking a peek
o come, into the top left drawer of my
ur bones desk, you're disqualified. But
ttle crumb, we'll be glad to sell Volney a
to a future sub, to The ABERREE for the
exist lucky three runners-up .1
h of a fist -- "I have been doing some
tus, the World, work. One of my old pre-clears
red and white, came all the way from Baltis to a sun more by air after a week of
it no light. processing at the Academy to
hich follows take 60 hours more from me. We
e Earth did 33 hours straight of Openen a dirge, ing Procedure by Duplication,
f all birth. and doing this he ran this-life
eft to mourn, stuff , prenatal s , and past
s from sight. lives. Very fascinating. Then
s to All ??? we switched to other things
the Night! which made sure that he ache go ! Have fun ieved his three major goals
n . You are_pl ayr for the 60 hours. Another pre" • - -Ruth Yerks , clear came from Annapolis, and
f. altho his time was much shorWe admit it was ter we had excellent results.
and the plagiar- Then I had the idea of a househ better, but we party week-end intensive -- comistmas "poem" of bining 12 hours of processing
his issue.l by me and 10 hours of the Radiation Congress tapes (which
t he USA has been had been lent me by their ownontests offering el") and inviting those who