Volume 2, Issue 7, page 6

6 The ABE REE. November. 1955
A Swing Around the Circuit By BERNARD R. ROSS
Visiting Some Former 'Greats'
HIS IS a report on
impressions various
persons made on me
when I visited them
on a swing around
the "circuit" during early September. Inasmuch as I
am not clear myself, I am attempting to write only a series
of fleeting impressions.

My first stop was to see
Dr. Paul Beaver in Leetonia,
Ohio. My main impression is one
of being ignored in his waiting
room without even being asked
what I was there for until I sent
in my card with a note. I found
Dr. Beaver still actively using
Dianetics and Dianetic auditors
in his practice. However, he
showed a bit of reluctance to
accept the new Scientology techniques.

I saw Ralph C. Hamilton and hip wife
Dawn at their new 350 (approximately) acre farm near
Wooster, Ohio. Both BalPh and Dawn have been processed by Ron Howes for about a year, or a trifle less.
Ralph had some homework assignments from Howes that he
hadn't yet completed.

My next stop was in Cincinnati to see Ron Howes
and the group there. I found Ron a little difficult
to get to see initially. which I felt was part of a
planned discouragement technique on his part. In addition, one outstanding impression that I carried away
with me was that Ron was quite aloof and did not mix
socially at all with the Dianetic group which has
gathered around him. He does work with them when they
appeal directly for help, but otherwise he sees them
only at work in the new laboratories which he and they
have mocked up. There I met the following persons:
Dwight H.Bulkley, his wife Miriam, and their new baby,
Brian, about ayear old. Of all the people I met out
there, Miriam Hinkley struck me as being in the best
shape. She was also one of the few people I have met
who has made gains continuously from the first days of
Dianetics to the present time. She was also one of the
few I met who knew Ron Hubbard and still thinks highly
of him. This ties in nicely with the fact that for
her all of it works. Dwight I found a pleasant person
but slightly in a protective shell. I met Mamie Lilly
who told me that she has been making some progress. I
found her very pleasant to both talk to and listen to.
She is a registered nurse and has had a great deal of
success using basic techniques in an unobtrusive fashion on her patients. I also met Dick Biagi Jim illiott, Tom Carey, Virginia Allen, and a couple others.
A high proportion of the Dianeticists at the lab -- and
all of them are, except for a little local labor force
for carpentry and lab. assistants, etc. -- have entered
the Catholic church. In addition, all of the group at
the lab, whether Catholic or not, attend church services at noon every day at one of the local churches.

Bon Howes gave me some of his time practically
every evening for a week. This period served to clarify several things for as, but I prefer
to wait awhile before making mpg further
statement about what did or did not happen at these sessions. Ron has not been
seeing many people lately. I was told.
and he has a watchdog named Dolores who
works very hard to keep people from die
turbing his. Bon's youngest, Denise, eeme
down with the mumps while I was there, but
was up and around three days later.

From Cincinnati I went - to Chicago
where I sew Harold Schroeppel, his wife
Alla, and baby Bent. about eight months
old. Rent is a very heppy baby. I ser
him gets preventive shot at the doctor's.
Re= squawked for about five minutes after it and then seamed quite happy and
smiling again. Harold introduced me to
the group with which he is working and
gaye me the ingression that he is trying
to create a true group there. At the moment this has been belted because Wing
Angell has been invited to do the group
auditing and some individual auditing of
group members. I felt slightly antipathetic toward Ying because of same actions
which gave me an impression of high pressure saleam:hipp. Islet Leo West. who
was characterized to me as an auditor who
has made a living at auditing from the
beginning to the present time. I found
Leo a friendly person to talk to and compare notes with.

From Chicago, I went southeast. In Wichita I met
Don Purcell, his wife Margaret, and their kids, Tom
and Gary. I liked the Purcells very such. Don was
telling me at some length that Willis Dudley Palley
has been writ about matters similar to Scientolo
for the past years. It sems that according to
Palley. among other revelations. he found that the
black, broom, and yellow races were the result of en
experiment that didn't quite come off, and that the
white race is the higher product of slater imperilment. However, whether you agree or disagree with
this, there seems to be a lot of data in Pelley's

After leaving the Purcells. I vent on to Baia to
see Alphia. To me Alphia looks like the old itinerant
newspaper man of Merk Twain's sae-tall, lanky, and
wearing a green eyeshade. Alphia tells me that in all
his time in Dianetics he did plenty of auditing but
practically never got audited. and that the improvements he has accomplished he got by making pple of
non-verbal decisions one day. Alice (Agnes) co Hart says
that the main thing she got out of Dienetics and the
Doctorate course in Philadgiphia was Alphia.
"At present there arena lars for -- or against
psychiatry. There are no state boards. Anyone can
Sang out a shingle asa psychiatrist. Thousands of lay
people who were graduated in Dianetics or similar
courses are actually practicing psychiatry -- some of
them calling themselves counselors, some mantel healers -- but regardless of the name they assume