Auditor Gives 3 Rules For Effective Mock-ups | I'm A Little Auditor

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Auditor Gives 3 Rules For Effective Mock-ups

What do you want out of life? And how important is it? Are the things that are important to you today the same things that were important to you yesterday? or a year or so ago?

Three rules for making mock-ups and making them work were given us by a Phoenix auditor, who said they were not original with him, and therefore does not want his name mentioned. These are:

1 -- List what you want, and put them in the order of their importance. Be very specific. (He cites an example of someone, while on a trip, mocking up money coming into the office, and when he got back, learned that one of the employees had received a large check, but it was not for the business.)

2 -- Look at the list three times a day. Check to see if it's what you want, and still in the right order of importance.

3 -- Don't tell ANYONE what you have on your list, or talk about it.

I'm A Little Auditor

I'm a little auditor, nothing do I care,

I have got a pre-clear, in my arm chair.

I will blow her ridges, she will pay my fee --

What would I do without Scientology?

I'm a happy thetan, flying through the air.

I have left my auditor, in her swivel chair.

She is busy auditing my G-E-e-e-e.

What would I do without Scientology?

TUNE: "I'm a Little Teapot", and parodied by Elizabeth Williams, of London, England.

Oklacon -- SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION. Sept. 4, Oklahoma City. For information, write Don Chappell, 5921 E. 4th Place, Tulsa, Okla.