Volume 11, Issue 3, page 12

THE TRUE doctrine of omnipresence is the
ancient doctrine of theophanism, which
means the Creator is present in His creations. This very ancient doctrine is
often cited in the Bible, and Meister Eckhart,
in the 14th Century, followed the Bible in asserting that the Creator materializes and manifests as Man, and Man, thru cosmic consciousness, becomes aware o f his own divine attributes.

In other words, astral light condenses to
create the human body, and the same element,
as electricity, flows thru the nerve system,
producing those supreme attributes, the nature
of which is such a puzzle to science, consisting of vitality, consciousness, mind, and intelligence.

Krypton believed the doctrine of theophanism was just more ancient mythology, and said,
"The word means a visible appearance of God,
and the three (such appearances) are, first, a
sun, second, a world, and finally, its (created) forms. We ourselves are a theophany, but
theophanies need not look for theophanies
apart from this. God is in what He creates."
Contrary to Krypton's opinion, we should
regard the state of theophanism as universal,
affecting all departments of creation, the
mineral, vegetal, animal, and humanal kingdoms. The interdependence of all creation, the
Creator and created, the Producer and product,
becomes obvious when correctly considered.

The Bible states repeatedly, in various
terms, that God-Spirit occupies the human body
as the Life Element. We are told in the first
chapter of the first book of the Bible that
God created man in His own image and likeness,
which literally means, conversely, that the
Creator walks and works on the earth in the
midst of His creations in the human form, the
highest created formation known, and the one
most fitting for the King of Creation to occupy
on the visible plane.

The great Pythagorean philosopher, called
Paul in the Bible to hide his real identity,
said, "Mat, know ye not that your body is the
not probable, he says, that
humans can rebuild their temples in the present life, but
it is better if he becomes an
entered apprentice and takes as
many degrees as possible and
continues the work in the next
life on earth.

Percival says Freemasonry
existed under one name or another as a compact, well-organized body long before the
building of the oldest pyramid.
Its tools, landmarks, emblems,
and symbols have always been
MASONRY AND ITS SYMBOLS, by substantially the same.

Harold W. Percival. 71 qq The author decries the fact
$2.00. Pub. by Word Pub.Co., that some of the teachings have
33 West 42nd, New York, N. Y. become obscured because of
twisting, substituting, adding
"Masonry and Its Symbols" symbols and work. Much of this
originally was written as one is due, he says, to the fact
of the chapters in Harold W. that Scriptural passages which
Percival's "Thinking and Des- are parts of the ritual, are
tiny", but was omitted because being interpreted according
it was feared Masons might ob- to the religious sentiments of
jett to a layman's interpreta- the times, instead of as they
tion of the dogma and ritual originally were planned.
of Freemasonry, but it has been -- Trah Nika
published separately after ob- * * *
taining Masons' approval. "PARAPSYCHOLOGY: An Insider's
This book by Percival seeks View of ESP" -- by J. Gaither
to show what the rituals and Pratt. 300 p