Volume 9, Issue 7, page 13
Prof. Hilton Hotema. About
250 es, spiral binding. $5.
Revised Edit. 1962 by. Health
Research, Mokelumne Hill, Cal.
Every bite of food you eat,
every drop of water you drink ,
each cup of coffee or tea, and
every cigaret you smoke are
helping to push you over the
cliff of death.
This is the startling premise of "Man's Higher Consciousness" by Prof. Hilton Hotema,
who says man originally was
supposed to live 80,000 to
100,000 years, but his teeth
and alimentary canal are cutting that period down to an
infinitesimal part. Truly, when
Eve ate the apple, and coaxed
Adam into doing likewise, she
closed the Garden of Everlasting Life. It wasn't the apple,
put the process of eating, that
was the "serpent", if we accept
the findings of Prof. Hotema.
This book first was published in 1952 under the title,
"Man's Miraculous Unused Power"
under the pseudonym of Kenyon
Klamonti. When the edition was
exhausted, it was reprinted.
This, too, was sold out, and
is being reprinted 10 years
later under theHotema by-line.
ABERREE readers of "The Book
They Blamed on God" know that
Dr.Karl Kridler has many pseudonyms, and "Prof. Hilton Hotema" is only one of than.
According to Hotema, Man
did not come from sea slime,
but from another planet in a
space ship, similar to the ones
now called "flying saucers".
At that time, man lived on air
alone, and his life expectancy
was a thousand centuries. Now,
a centenarian is such a rarity
that when one is discovered, he
is given the V.I.P. treatment --
taken to a city with contaminated air and wined and dined
to the death he has avoided
for so many decades.
Original man, Hotema declares, was blonde, with light
blue eyes, and golden yellow
hair. He lived in high altitudes where the air was pure;
when he began to descend into
the valleys -- he began to darken as he started eating -- first
water, then fruit, next vegetables, and finally, meat -- and
at birth, he was merely a hop ,
skip, and a jump from the cemetery.
Why don't the poisons in
the food and water we drink
kill us immediately instead of
prolonging it for 70 or so
years? It's because man can
adjust (within limits) to his
environment. Like the cigaret
that makes the boy sick when
he takes his first puff, he
gets to the point where he not
only can smoke without getting
sick but actually becomes a
slave to tobacco poisons. This
also is true of our adulterated
food, and the poisoned water
city dwellers must drink.
Also, we adjust to air so foul
that a breatharian (one who
lives on air alone) would be
in danger of dropping dead if
he suddenly came in contact
with what passes for air in
most of our cities.
Hotema blames much of this
"deadly diet" to education,
which has the primary aim of
increasing wants -- providing
new markets and new demands --
to make men wage slaves. Anyone who disputes these beliefs
is promptly silenced and made
"h armless" to commercial interests "for the good of the
No matter how much you enjoy a good steak, or a dinner
with friends, or even the horrible stuff hotels serve at a
so-called "banquet", you'll do
a bit of serious thinking when
you read "Man's Higher Consciousness". And maybe, instead
of reaching for another biscuit, or helping of potatoes,
you'll say: "Please pass the
tire pump", of course, checking to see that said tire pump
is capable of providing pure,
uncontaminated air. -- Trah Nika.
1. Compiled by Richard W.
Wetherill. 150 pp., mimeo; fiber cover. Pub. by Humanetics,
Wynnewood, Penn.
Did you ever say -- aloud or
to yourself -- "The boss gives
me a pain in the neck", and
then wonder why you're so uncomfortable at work? -- except,
of course, when the boss isn't
around. Relaxing then, isn't it?
And what 'd you say if someone said the boss actually DID
give you a pain in the neck --
all because you once made that
statement under emotional
stress? Better not say what
you're thinking, because if
you accept the testimonials in
"Viewpoints on Humanetics",
you'll discover many of our
unexplainable ills and aberrations are due to just such remarks, which you might not acThe CI BERREE
tually mean, but which, as
"command phrases", can have a
bearing on your life and living
If you like true stories
with happy endings, you'll be
thrilled by these exciting accounts of how hundreds of persons found their lives changed
after being introduced to Humanetics. Chances are good that
the mere reading of "ViewPoints on Humanetics" will
start you bringing up command
phases of your own, and you
do have 'em.
Following an introduction
giving the startling explanation of human troubles, there
are eight chapters by different
persons, each of whom describes
how they were able to help
themselves and others with
physical, emotional, and mental
problems. First is "My Eight
years of Humanetics ", by Ruth
C. Plymat, and the results she
has obtained entitle her to
speak with authority.
In addition there are excerpts from recent correspondence, a Question and Answer
section, a selected speech and
many short paragraphs describing the various applications
of Humanetics.
In Humanetics, Dianeticists
will find a kindred field -- and
should take to it "like a duck
takes to water". Even command
phrases installed at birth are
similar to the birth engrains
which Book One auditors and
even some professionals took
so seriously a decade or so
A companion volume, "How to
Solve Problems and Prevent
Trouble", goes further into the
use of Humanetics. Students of
these two books will find themselves fully equipped for the
adventurous search into their
subconscious for hidden commands that are so powerful, and
yet so destructive. For example, a child resents parental
control: "When I get big enough, no one can push me around," it says angrily. Thirty
years and many pounds later ,
they are surprised that they
can hardly push themselves around. Diets, doctors, semistarvation -- none of which work
-- could be shelved if one only
goes back and picks up the
command phrase which is making
them "big enough" not to "get
pushed around".
As you think, so are you.
But apparently, you've got to
keep that thinking under your
present control .
There is no sale price listed for either of these books,
but they are issued to contributing members of the Humanetics organization. -- Sophia