Plowing Up the Field
No, Junior, you can't buy a sable coat for $8.50, but that's what a year's subscription to the journal of $¢ientology costs now. It went up January 1, "due to increased costs of production". And because there are those who want to take BOTH the JOURNAL and The ABERREE, in order not to work a financial hardship on these persons, we will reduce the subscription price of The ABERREE to $1.98 a year to anyone who sends us their receipt for a JOURNAL subscription at this new rate... It was the Center in Pasadena, not their home in Sierra Madre, they are trying to sell, "Ikey" Stone corrects. She and Remi are so sold on the new techniques that they're offering free processing to a selected list of persons who have helped support the Center in the past... Barbara Bryan, until a short time ago one of the "wheels" of the H.A.S.I., is hunting employment in Pueblo, Colo., she reports... It's a little late for condolences, but we wish to extend our sympathies to Irving W. Smith, Sr., and Irving W. Smith, Jr., of Niagara, Wis., over the death on October 16 of their wife and mother....
Philip Friedman writes from Florence, Ariz., that they have an experimental garden for the development of species of plants that deviate from the natural type, yet will grow in Arizona and are indigenous to that soil. They call the garden an "Aberredum", which, Philip explains, is "a domicile for an Aberree". We know right where we belong; if we ever move back to Arizona: in the garden of freakish plants.... Haskell Cooke--a former HDA who barely got his feet wet in Scientology before retiring to his father's ranch in Texas--writes from Nicaragua that he now has a good job down there, and although things are a bit strange, he likes it ... We suppose most of you received a GHOST last month, and if you didn't, you can get a copy by writing Clem Johnson, 2518 N. Orange, Orlando, Fla. The printing quality far exceeds that of the old mimeographed GHOST, but except for an "apology" about a "misunderstanding", it read as if Clem had mis-laid his biters...
Finally, Jeanette Barieaux says, she's off a maybe about the name she'll use professionally for singing. Instead of changing it to Katie O'Hara, or K. O'Hara, she just added an "x" ... LaVerne and Carl Jardine are back in San Diego, after a couple years in New York's Greenwich Village... Making up new names using the CECS initials seems to have developed into quite a game. Two heard recently in Phoenix are: Committee of Enthetans Communicating Stupidity, and Certified Experts at Choking Scientology. However, we think it's all just a lot of b.s. (barrett-steves)... Raymond Kemp, a graduate of the clinical course in London, collapsed the most space to reach the Phoenix conference... However, Jack Horner, who has been the London school and getting a lot of praise for the job, was also at the Congress, recalled to help with Congress plans...
It was a business trip that brought Richard Collier and J. F. Liddon of Yazoo City, Miss., through Enid, but when Mr. Liddon recalled he was a recent subscriber to a magazine published in Enid, they dropped in to find out "what it was all about". If they accomplished their goal, we'd like to find out, too... And while on the subject of visitors, Herbert Druker of Fort Worth, who missed out on the Midwest Conference because of duties at Carswell Air Base, spent a week-end checking up on what's new and different in The ABERREE office... After which we learned that another Scientologist, to whom we issued the first General Membership card in the now replaced HAS just before he went to Korea--S/Sgt. William H. Johnson--also now is stationed at Carswell... Dr. John Galusha, whom the HASI recently reported taking a 90-day vacation from his HASI job, is working up quite an auditing practice in his old home town of Pueblo, Colo.
ERRATA--Two corrections on Page 11 we'd like to make before we get caught by sharp-eyed readers: It was Socrates, not Aristotle, who brought in the Age of Reason, and in the next paragraph, it should read: "Evil is everything out of Eve's Pandora's Box" ... The Postels of Detroit--Refa, Ken, and Karen, had a long-delayed vacation this year, which they took in Florida... A.F./Lt. John W. Burch, who has been stationed at Wichita, is in civvies again... Recent marriages in Scientology reported to The AEERREE: Mary Ann Majeske of Philadelphia and Alfred W. Kozak of Camden on October 9. They operate the Scientology Center in Camden. Leigh Tucker and Johnny Franklin married in the Church of Scientology on November 18 by L. Ron Hubbard... A. E. Van Vogt, in a down-to-earth discussion of Dianetics five years after its introduction to the public, has a featured position in the February issue of SPACEWAY magazine.